Ok some happy news after a very tough month, my MS relapse is slowly going away.
Happy I can just walk for a bit. Standing can be a pain. But there I just had to get that out of my system, since I usually try to hide my complaints in person.
The stress of it nearly gave me a sz relapse. But I was able to stay out of hospital. This is progress.
You know I wonder if they’re related some way. They don’t know the real cause of either and just try to treat the symptoms but you get relapses anyway.
O well that’s just how it goes. You get used to it.
i didn’t know you had ms, sounds terrible but i’m glad you are coping with it ok, its much better if you can try and cope no matter how bad things get x
Good to hear your MS is going away, even if slowly.
Your pretty strong to get through all this, and have a very positive attitude too, I admire women like you!