Moving up the list of Challenges

I’ve made substantial progress in the past few months. I’m doing things that previously would have sent me back into psychosis. But now I’m staring down the fears and breaking free from the limitations my delusions typically dictate. It’s been nice to do things that I haven’t done in years, things that I really enjoy doing. (Like walking around the neighborhood, going to public lectures.) There have been no problems, no symptoms, no relapse. Rather, I’ve really enjoyed myself. Refreshing. Relaxing. Inspiring. Healthy feeling.

Today, I will do something even higher up on my list of dreads: I will ride the bus. Normally, it’s very stressful. There’s so much coughing (a bad trigger), so many people, so many stops, so many starts, and no escape. I think I’ll do fine. What’s more, I think I’ll enjoy not having to drive and find parking. Mostly, I’ll enjoy making more mental health progress.

One thing leads to another. Bit by bit, I regain my life. Thanks to everyone here, this forum is my main source of support. It’s made a big huge difference. I send positive vibes your way throughout the day.


Glad you’re better, such good news. Always great to read :relaxed:

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Your post made me feel better, and cheered me up. Thanks.


Wonderful encouraging post! So glad you’re doing well! :blush:

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Way to go @raff228! How was the bus ride?

Well that’s really nice of you to ask, to follow up.

It went very well. I had no trouble whatsoever on the way in. However, on the way home the guy sitting across from me had a wretched cough. (People coughing is a bad trigger for me; it’s loud, it’s annoying, and I start thinking that it’s intentional, that it means everyone can read my mind.)

I mentally emphasized to myself that his very loud, sharp, attacking, annoying, constant coughing meant nothing. “He has bronchitis, he smokes, who knows why he’s coughing like that, but it has nothing to do with me.” I looked around for another seat, something very far away from him but there were none. It was rather difficult, but I ignored him. Thankfully, he pulled the “stop requested” rope. I was ready to push him off the bus with all his deafening noisy coughing. Man, he was just hacking away, it was unbelievable. So loud, it assaulted my ear drums. “Hey you! Can’t you take the rest of us into consideration?! You don’t have to cough that loudly! Haven’t you heard of cough drops??! They’re not expensive!” But I would never say that out loud. I was so so so very very glad that he was getting off the bus. “Good riddance you noisy jerk!” I rudely thought to myself.

After that clamorous coughing coyote exited the bus everything instantly went back to normal, calm, quiet, relaxed, peaceful. It was a great day.

You’re funny! And really strong too. Well done getting through the bus trip. Coughing annoys me too, I have very sensitive hearing in my left ear and it almost hurts.

That’s so encouraging. Did you have to up your medications?