Moving due to alcohol abuse

My psychiatric care provider has cracked down on me abusing alcohol. They are requiring me to go to three NA meetings a week and get counseling with their Peer Recovery Support Specialist. They want me to move out of my apartment building because it isn’t a good place to live because of all the drinking and illicit drugs that goes on here.

I just got a $3,000.00 loan from my credit union to move with. The payments are $148.55 a month. I’ll probably move out in December when my lease is up.


If you explain to your leasing office what the problem is they will probably let you out of the lease early. Are you happy about this change and the support you’ll be getting?


Yes, I’m definitely happy that I am getting out of this hellhole. The meetings and counseling are fine with me. I’m supposed to attend a college class this fall to help me socialize more and give me something to do.


Well, I’m really happy for you. I hope this all works out and you find a really nice place.

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I’m going to move into a Senior Citizen apartment building. I’m qualified now that I’m 62 years old.


Good luck with everything. :slight_smile: You’ll do great and life will be so much better when you’re away from the drugs and alcohol abuse. :slight_smile:

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There are apps out there where you can rent a mover or two for the day.

Its called ‘dolly’

When I moved they (the big moving company) wanted like $1,200 to bring a 1 br apartment 80 miles down the road.

I ended up finding a guy with a truck and he and I did it for like $500. It probably would have been another $150-$200 if I had to hire another mover and I didn’t help.



Well the security deposit is $575 and first months rent is $575, while I have to pay the rent on the old place of $480 when I give my 30-day notice I am moving out.

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Edited my previous post cuz it was confusing.

GL with the move

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wow I hope you get to move with ease…good for you for getting away…hope !!

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Thanks @Leaf @Blossom @anon99082702 @jukebox


Wow. Our payment for housing is $900/ month and we’re both on disability. You’re lucky the cost is so low!

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The $148.55 is the monthly payment on the $3,000 loan. The rent is $575 a month including utilities.

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@anon54988740 Weren’t you thinking about moving to a senior housing situation at some point? Maybe you could do that now?

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Good luck with the move @anon54988740 . I’m happy you will be moving to someplace better than you are currently.

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Oh ok! That makes way more sense @anon54988740 lol

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When I got clean it changed my life for the better in many ways. This can be a whole new life for you.

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Yes I am trying to go to a senior apartment. I’m qualified now because I am 62.

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Thanks Bowens. 15

Yes, I want to get clean too. Things should be better in the senior apartments.