but you can improve your cognition and all of that by practice doing that
I don’t think so viper. Sounds like one of those baseless YouTube videos that there seem to be a lot of. I hate all that crap.
brain is adaptive and can adapt to vorious enviroments doing vorious tasks
dont think you are burden … what about the great achivers who have schizophrenia
ofcourser if you do nothing you will achive nothing you have to go out your comfort zone… organise yourself
I dont have schizophrenia. I just think you are talking about that modern toxic self improvement crap that you get on youtube.
yes all self improvement is crap. better not improve
you are just low intelligence then
I’m not talking about getting good at something, I am talking about these self proclaimed youtube artists that tell you how you can make yourself more intelligent or change your personality by watching a couple of 5 minute videos.
anyway i am not reading crap… if you read or watch crap on youtube this is your problem.
good luck
You just keep believing you can make yourself smarter then.