Mostly annoying but man

I feel super paranoid and really delusional. Its affecting my ability to have interpersonal relationships of any kind

Smoking weed doesnt help. I feel the neighbors hate me

What do I do? I missed my pdoc appt but I have plenty of meds left. Am gonna call tomorrow to see when they can fit me in


Definitely call your pdoc to try and reschedule. Missing appointments can lead to getting kicked from the system.

And in the meantime, do your best to stay away from pot, since you know it’s triggering.


I am doing that first thing monday. I am basically incapacitated by anxiety at this point I cant leave the apartment for any reason but work.

Im so bored when Im not working. I honestly cant handle the voices without it

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Is rhere an after hours emergency number? Or a crisis intervention line? In my country, we have the crisis text line. I use it when I am having a panic attack, and they do grounsung exercises with me and help me brainstorm ways to distract myself from my panic until I can get to my doctor.

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International crisis hotlines:

Any of these might be a resource.

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Make sure you’re taking care of yourself during this difficult time. Get plenty of sleep, 8 hours if you can. Eat 3 balanced meals per day. Drink plenty of water, 8 8oz glasses. Get some physical activity everyday like a 20 minute walk. All these things will help with your stress level and you can do other things that make you destress like listen to music, or have a cup of tea. Whatever works for you. I hope you feel better after talking to your pdoc.


Thanks @Ninjastar Ill contact them maybe. Idk I feel like Id be wasting their time idk if I can explain whats wrong. But thank you I will keep them in mind

I dont really have an outlet anymore @Leaf I am basically bedbound when not at work. I do everything on my couch bed now and I never leave always delivery. I do laundry every once in awhile at a laundromat across the street but Im essentially an agoraphobe now I guess? Like wtf it feels like a sick game

Thank you though sorry Im just ranting. All good advice so Ill try to do the stuff I can


I understand feeling paranoid completely. Did you reschedule your pdoc appointment? If so how long do you have to wait to see them? If you can’t take it anymore you can go to the ER. I hope the crisis lines help

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Weed is bad.
Now i never smoke.

@LilyoftheValley No I missed it. They give little business cards that have the appt date on them and I though I lost it, found it and it had passed already. Im calling them monday morning. I hope I can get in soon

@Om_Sadasiva I know. I really shouldnt and it def doesnt help the voices but it passes the time. I feel like Im on zyprexa again I just wanna sleep when Im awake


I use Cozi calendar (phone app or online) which makes it possible to set reminders when you want them to go off so you don’t forget.

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Yeah I normally use google calendar on my phone but I forgot to put it in. When I do I sometimes dont check my phone or leave it somewhere and almost miss stuff. Im a mess lol

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I don’t accept the card for the reminder. I put it in my phone while it’s being scheduled.

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Im gonna do that from now on. Ill make a point about it. Thanks @LilyoftheValley

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I will second using Cozi, my fiancée and I use it. It’s very helpful.


Mabye I should check it out then. I can be very rresistant to new routines so I gotta force myself really. Its a shame cuz I have to change everything and its gonna be a big shock to the system

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It’s generally not helpful to try and put out a fire by pouring gas on it.

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I already told you about my struggle on the beginning of my comeback to college when I didn’t had relationships with anyone.

In my opinion your struggle fades out with the ending of this pandemic, once people start going out again and being with people your struggle with relationships it’s over.
It’s just my opinion, but I hope you don’t stress much about it because it will end.

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Yeah lenny I remember. Im glad it worked out for you man

I think yes the pandemic and lockdown really messed with me but I think Ill recover if I get out there a bit more and get on the right meds. That parts important I think

Thanks man, and congrats on that dinner with the scientist guy sounds like it went well! :smiley:

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Sounds like you are too anxious to do things that reduce anxiety.
Tough situation.

The other posts talk about you smoking less pot, or no pot.

Try and find a in person way to talk to someone about what is going on; as well as setting up another appointment for medication.

Good luck zwolfgang!

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