I have moments during the day when things are alright. I can’t force it or do it at will, but it’s nice. When I’m near people but no one is bugging me. The guy in the next room pissed me off about an hour ago. I was laying in my bed and I was adjusting my head and I accidentally hit the shared wall with my head. In less than a split second the idiot hit or punched the wall. It irritated me. It’s not like I always make a lot of noise or something. Oh well, they always say, “Don’t sweat the small stuff”.
I used to have a bad neighbour like that. Thankfully she moved out. She used to complain I would wake her dog up when I went for a cigarette at night.
If only other people would think before they react to a perceived threat…Not you nick, the guy who hit the wall in response to you.
I’m guilty of over-reacting though, and it has this Domino effect where it only intensifies and ends with hard feelings.
Not good but not intentional on my part.
You were the stable one in that instant…enjoy
My schizophrenia never totally loses. But then again neither do I.
Learn something every day about the illness. Then again so does it about me.
I am in a good place right now myself, my new meds are incredible! it still have some symptoms but they are so diminished its almost like being ‘normal’ again…I wonder how long it will last?