This was mentioned the other day. I’m just hoping this is not going to take as long as cannabidiol (CBD) to get into drug trials. They’ve been talking about CBD possibly having antipsychotic effects since the 90’s maybe even earlier.
I only read the abstract:;_ylu=X3oDMTByaW11dnNvBGNvbG8DaXIyBHBvcwMxBHZ0aWQDBHNlYwNzcg--/RV=2/RE=1460494628/RO=10/
Moved to Medications.
(Wearing moderator hat)
If I had money and I was a betting man, I’d make some kind of radical statement prophesying molecular hydrogen as becoming a widely accepted form of medical therapy with benefits that go beyond just raising the eyebrows of skeptics.
I don’t and I’m not though, but I’ll still let the notion slip in here anyway 
The difference between CBD and MH is that you can already purchase molecular hydrogen machines legally. I’d be absolutely willing to put my mouth where my money would be at if I had any. Fundraiser for the Polymorphed Molecular Hydrogen self-experiment research appeal?
I should have gone to bed, but instead did some more reading …
I could personally evaluate pathologically, the impact of molecular hydrogen via various cytokine markers.
The trouble is that the blood tests are not available to the public here in Australia. (I already enquired a year ago or so as a part of other research I was doing). The cost of overnight shipping on ice is actually not that bad, but it’s still prohibitive in my current financial situation.
I’d be particularly interested in monitoring IL-6 levels periodically. T-Helper cell indicators are another possible avenue to assess immune system function improvement. I also expect molecular hydrogen ought to play a significant role in modulating NAD+ levels, and consequently SIRT1 … or as an umbrella, mitochondrial function in general.
Age Related Changes in NAD+ Metabolism Oxidative Stress and Sirt1 Activity in Wistar Rats
I bet I read this tomorrow… no wait… later today and it makes no sense. GOODNIGHT WORLD.