I recommend my technique to Everyone Who Moderates Me:
- I take a modicum of medication.
- I admit I am not well, but I am also well versed in the Human Condition.
- I do not Advise or Disallow the Use of Any So Called “Medication”.
- I do Not give Dosage or Brand References or Recommendations, even if it will prop up my ■■■■ web site.
- I am totally critical of addiction and dependencies, including my own.
- I Never erase, delete, edit, hide or ban anyone’s expression, or obtain positions in which that power would be tempting, I let everyones ■■■■ stink on its own merits (or lack there of).
- I never take orders or advice from any person that contributes to, or participates in, the myriad of pyramid schemes, which seem to surround us.
- I critically think, Evaluate evidence, disregard illegitimate authority, and vomit like a comet.
- I trust those who can Percieve, To think, and Evaluate, even if a group of ■■■■■■■■ have told them, they lack those faculties, and the ■■■■■■■■ are better suited to do that job for them.
- I believe in a well reasoned argument and the power of art to bring us all out.