Missed my chance to be a wildman today. a real bad boy!

but i choose not to ride a bicycle without a helmet haha :rofl: . now im feeling like i missed out as mom and dad are enjoying the weather and riding 10 miles on a paved trail. they will even stop for lunch. so i missed out on that too. next time im going to be a wildman, or perhaps i will just search for sales on a new bicycle helmet, im not completely lawless people haha.


Breakin the law, breakin the law. Lol :crazy_face:


I thought you could ride without a skid lid in the states?


no way, you have to be credentialed and go to bad boy school and complete your wildman certification first haha. just kidding, i was trying to be funny, fail. you can ride a bicycle without a helmet if you like to live dangerously. god bless america haha.


No you were funny! Sorry I just didn’t understand fully

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