I just ran across a harmless supplement that works great, it is Ginger Root! I tried it, taking 2 pills for a total of 1.1g and it eliminated some of my symptoms! I took it about 8am this morning and it is now 5am the next day and it is still there! No side effects, works like a charm! You may want to try this! Only $14 for a bottle. You can find it on amazon, go and type in :Ginger Root".
I’ve been getting good results from drinking green tea. It has l-theanine in it. It’s much cheaper to get your l-theanine from green tea than from pills sold on the internet. I buy Uncle Lee’s green tea for $4 a box. One box lasts me thirty days. The only problem with it is that it makes my knees tender. I’ve always had little problems with my knees.
There have been many times when I have been in serious mental distress and I took this and I mad a miraculous recovery not depression but feeling very ill.