Minerva Neurosciences' schizophrenia drug misses main goal in study

Is it possible to using a medical treatment to diabetes ,high blood pressure or any genetic disease for 12 weeks for sake reducing the severity of the existential/emotional symptoms of the disease ?

Then,what after 12 weeks have ended,is the patient left to coexists with the reduced symptoms for lifetime ?

A list of publications detailing the use of Loving Kindness Meditation for mental illness, including the negative symptoms of schizophrenia.


That was exactly my thoughts. I donā€™t think it is down and out just yet. I am keeping my stock shares, at least

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These meds are all the same.

The only thing that really worked for improving my negatives is Abilify but I had intolerable side effects. Many here are on Abilify without side effects. I guess I am unlucky.

Researchers should find out why Abilify improves negatives and make a new med thatā€™s stronger than Abilify with less serious side effects.

If you are concerned about negatives, you should try asenapine

Itā€™s the most potent antipsychotics for negatives ATM and itā€™s coming off patent soon. Or you can try rexulti which is an improved abilify but itā€™s pretty expensive

Here is a list of meta analysis regarding antipsychotics and their side effects

My pdr doesnā€™t want to prescribe Rexulti because he says it has the same side effects as Abilify, both have similar chemical structure.

It raises prolactin instead of lowering it. They are not really the sameā€¦

I suggest you read the meta analysis I posted

He said I will get the same side effects from Rexulti as Abilify, multiple addictions and hypersexuality, both are partial dopamine antagonists.