Mindfulness Topic Anyone?

Hello all, I was wondering if anyone wants to do a mindfulness topic?

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Being aware of everything I think and do is my daily practice.

My meditation is open and invites all thoughts and doesn’t exclude anything, unlike traditional meditation which trains you to block the universe.

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I’m not sure what it is. I once had a psychologist try to explain it to me but I was still none the wiser!


In your mind one becomes the observer of your own thoughts.

The observer and the self; a sort of division of the mind.

It is supposed to make you aware and bring great peace in the long run.

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The ultimate aim though is beyond mindfullness.

It is to realise the content of the mind (the thought) and the self (the thinker) to become one which is a step beyond just becoming aware of what one thinks.

That is to observe without judgement.

Veey few people achieve this. I haven’t! :slight_smile:


Moved to Health and Recovery where it is on topic. Mindfulness is fine as long as it stays away from religious and spiritual discussions.


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I feel like a part of it is about experiencing reality without all of the layers of perception and judgments we usually filter everything through. I’ve only been really deep in meditation before antipsychotics…I can barley get to a point were my thoughts stop on APs.

I’ve read there are levels of meditation that put you in contact with direct reality… I still don’t understand but I definitely want to experience it one day :smiling_face:

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Thanks for the replies. There are many books and styles of meditation. I will focus on a few.

Mindfulness is like the opposite of mindlessness which is being out of your mind, which I have been and acted like more than once. Being mindful to me is completely cognizant of your thoughts and behavior and being in control and acting effectively with high level of orchestration of all your senses. I just think about mindless psychotic episodes where there is uninhibited action, so being mindful is also being inhibited by others expectations and sensibilities.