Mind Uploaded to Computer By ETs Delusion

Anyone ever heard of this or have this delusion? Scientists talk about it but say it’s not possible yet. I often take the schizophrenic perspective and say it’s already happening and that I can remember because of quantum mechanics. It’s still a guessing and figuring out game because I don’t know what they did or why or how, but it put me in a causal loop in the year 2011 according to my delusion. I keep experiencing consciousness transfer back in time. I call it my time loop. The universe resets. I often invoke string theory and say the universe bounces back but that’s some minority point of view and I have no science or math background.

Thank You!

Gonna be an extremely long time before anything like that is possible. I saw a series on Amazon prime called “upload” that dealt with stuff like that, mind being uploaded on to a computer. Don’t know what else to say but its just a delusion…that stuff is not possible.

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