How far do you censor your mind? Is there differences between trying to censor and changing the mind. I think negative thoughts must be changed but not be censored. How? For me finding the root of a thought and what image it comes from and reminding myself this image is not helpful if I can not persuade myself its not true helps alot. Are you aware of your negative images which you assume as obvious truths of this world?
When I have inserted thoughts/images, I try to think of something else. I know that sounds antiquated and silly but that is what I do. I try to focus on something else. I know that sometimes it can be very overpowering. I have experienced that. Some on here say just acknowledge the thought/image and let it pass. Getting upset can make it harder to get rid of.
What you do is what seems should be done at first but this is exactly what I meant by the word censoring. I think censoring is a kind of self tyranny and makes human mind cruel and numb and there is the danger that images repeat themselves more forcefully. What do you think @47averag ?
well, I don’t know if it is possible to censor thoughts/images even if you try. There is always the option of just allowing them. You don’t have to fight them at all if you don’t want to. I suppose it depends how disturbing they are
I dont say we must allow them passively to come and go whenever and however they want,I say instead of trying to get rid of them with different techniques like focusing on sth else study them and see from what experience or thoughts of other people, these images came to existence and by finding the root of these images you can decide what to do with them. That are they real or not or even if real helpful or not.