I was diagnosed schizo affective Bipolar type in 30 minutes by a p doc in a hospital and later, after I moved away from that state to live with my dad; I went catatonic. I met recently a different p doc who flew in from out of state (she was from Washington) who has much more experience… for an hour and a half and she told my dad and I that she believes bipolar was a misdiagnosis and that I am schizo-catatonic type not schizo-A bipolar type. She was not my doctor though just an insurance interviewer so I do not know what to do with this information. I cannot remember a time ever being depressed nor have I ever experienced mania. I do not switch back and forth from one to the other (not yet in my 25 years) nor have I ever seemed depressed except one day in my life according to my family and friends (which is when I recieved a shot of Haldol to try that made me feel like crud). I did experience catatonia for many months which is when my hallucinations were hardcore. I am no longer catatonic due to medication and know I would revert to this if I stopped my medicine, but I know I am not bi polar. Should I ask my counselor to speak to her boss (a P doc I have never met) for a correction?
It would be beneficial in a college program I will be joining if I were not labeled as having a mood disorder because they help with placement and the field I am looking to enter is known as being a high stress team environment. I have already shadowed and worked in the field and do not find it stressful nor the sometimes intense coworkers upsetting.
Thank you for input or suggestions