If for some reason u have found me, out u “curisoity” as one of u liked to say and was part of my old high school (u 6 know who u are). I just want to say i still love u all. Maybe at this point it won’t mean much since u have most likely moved on with ur lives which im happy u have. Im not gonna say im sorry again ive said that too many times. But i just want to thank u for being apart of my life for those 4 great years we had. We argued we hated on each other i said some pretty ■■■■■■ up ■■■■. But it was all out of love to try and make ur days brighter. I know i scared the living hell out of all of u and i was scared for myself as well. Not knowing what was happening to me hearing voices daily it took its toll on everyone. But just remember ull all be wonderful people to me and i hope u all succeed in life, find love, have kids, learn about urselfs and grow as people. Maybe one day we’ll cross paths again as changed adults but for now all that matters is u all were fun as ■■■■ people to be around and i miss the amusing times we had. Take care of urselfs and learn to be compassionate, the world isnt all as bad as i made it out to be. Also hip hop in general has turned to ■■■■. At least i got jazz and psychedelic rock to fall back on. I was ur groups syd barrett in a way and i just wanna say, dont ever make money off me, if u do cut me in cause that would be ■■■■■■ up if u didn’t. Keep on rockin it and don’t be dickheads to people like i was. One day we’ll take some hostages. Much love and prosperity to u all. Thank u again for allowing me to be apart of ur lives.
Also what happened to video games. Mother ■■■■■■■ are ripping us off