Mental Minority

I saw the film “Straight Outta Compton” which is on theaters now in Japan. We don’t get beaten or killed because of schizophrenia, but the problem is we feel weak. We feel weak because of the medication we take. We feel weak because we feel like we should take things as they are. We feel weak because we think we must give something up. Those things. We have to feel strong, even if through somebody else’s eyes, we are weak. We can start by accepting. And we should have attitude.

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Hello. I have heard that people in Japan are very hardworking and form a strong union among them. I am very admired of you people.
When it comes to disability, particularly mental disability, does this somehow weaken a person externally if not internally, even in Japan? How is the reaction from the general public towards the disabled in Japan?
Thank you in advance.

I think aside from symptoms of the disease and side effects which we all suffer from, there is a problem of isolation of the disabled. It’s caused by misunderstanding and miscommunication between people (like employer and disabled employee), and I think it’s important to reach other people and explain characteristics of the disease and what kind of help one needs. We have good welfare system in Japan, but the stigma I think is not shrinking. Awareness of mental disease is still low, even though there are loads of information on the Internet.

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I like how you people of Japan call the illness Integration Disorder. I assume that’s because schizophrenia is damaging to ones honor and their family’s honor, and I correct?

I don’t think schizophrenia has anything to do with honor. That would be too self conscious. And things aren’t that much different in Japan from other countries. I hear the words integration disorder recently and I thought it was a good way to put it. The words mental disorder evoke a kind of bad image somehow.


I feel weak honestly just because of things like my negative symptom of lack of energy.