Mental illness and homeless

A lot of mentally ill people are homeless

Did you see this?


There are also many normies that are homeless.
It’s not just the mentally ill.

But yes a large section of the homeless have a mental illness or drug addictions.

It’s so sad.


I noticed it

the world we live in needs to repair itself

big time

we need to protest to our goverments for better results to the homeless and mentally ill

to many lies from them imo

they need to play it ‘‘fair’’


anyone online tonight?

nice to see you pedro.

i mostly stick to 3 positives thread but saw your post and read it.

i agree more should be done for homeless.

there is a organistaion that gives free swags for homeless people.

swags are pretty weather proof but what do they do on a hot day 45 c or so…

also where do they get food unconditionally even if they are not “obedient”…

i think a lot of people end up homeless for being disobedient so to say and i could have ended up homeless for that too…

not thinking its ok for people to disrespect me and boss me about like a pushover in a hateful belitteling way.

i avoid people like that.

i could of become homeless for not being able to work.

but i think if i could choose who i worked for and what i did i think i could do some work if they ask do you want to do this and i say yes or no and they pay me and are respectful to me and preferably like me.

not a powercrazed hater supressing you and being horrible and setting you up to ruin you maliciously.

i have a friend. my only friend and he was homeless and he is mentally ill.
he got to live at a homeless shelter though that was on a boat in a tiny room.

they got food from the restaurants so the food was great but the other homeless people were doing drugs and fighting and screaming so there was not a peaceful environment there.

my favourite person lived in a swag with his dog and mc.

my boyfriend lived in a tree when he was homeless.
he got food from the trash container.
he was really bad off and some people beat the sh i t out of him just for being homeless.

my closest loved ones have a lot of life experience.
then we have “family” of mine who have had easy lives, experienced nada but have education and are so stuck up and think they are superior to us “trashy ones”.

not my kind of people they are not.
i avoid them.

hope you are well pedro.
and your son too.

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