Mental health professionals can differ on what they think is psychosis

Current pdoc:

“Some breakthrough psychotic symptoms in relation to a paranoid fear around people breaking into his flat”.

Mentioning same symptoms to nurse practitioner where I lived before.

“It’s anxiety”


Nurses are like therapists. Not trained in psychiatry. So it’s like asking a lay person for an opinion if you ask a nurse for a psychiatric opinion.

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@everhopeful a nurse practitioner has a doctorate. They are able to treat patients without oversight just like doctors.

@firemonkey I’ve found that every doctor I see wants to give me a different label. As long as they don’t mess with my meds, I’ve stopped caring what they call me.


@Ninjastar, although nurse practitioners have doctorates, they cannot treat patients without oversight “just like doctors”. Nurse practitioners have to be overseen and supervised by M.D’s.


Hell, none of my psychiatrists can even agree about what the best suits are to wear.

First psychiatrist tried to diagnose me bipolar which was a mistake.

I think some,not all, let personal biases get in the way when giving a label to someone. That was very much the case when I lived in Essex. If I had a PD it should have been the avoidant one. However the psych team, because there was a personality clash between us,went for pd nos and then paranoid pd.

The medication has stayed quite constant ie Consta 2009-2018. Switch to Paliperidone monthly Oct 2018. Going to be switched to the 3 monthly version after next monthly dose.

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