Mental environment environ-mentalism?

I used to be read the magazine adbusters and it apparently was concerned with the mental environment. But I was thinking more about sz and the mental environment we live in. I don’t think sz is environmentally caused really, but I noticed a few things about technological futurism and society that causes me to think. For example in technological futurism there are all these concepts of technologies that invade a persons private world through watching and communication and surveillance etc. Examples are cameras, microchips, neural linkages to technology etc. And in present society, while the society is not necessarily individualist, it has sort of an exclusionary social nature which sort of keeps a person separate from others but always trying to connect somehow. My thinking is that even if you don’t have sz the mental environment of modern society is crappy. As far as adbusters is concerned I think ads themselves are sort of benign but who knows maybe there is some sort of philosophical argument like the ads steals your attention and then tries to sell it back to you, or something who knows.

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