Mental damage and garbage quotes reason and truth revealed

so all the illnesses that I do not have, exist in me because they can exist.

1/3. Nothingness


2/3. Creation


3/3 Destruction

are always RELATIVELY existing and absolutely are impossible.

yes and I say that awareness & existence go together. and are infinite.

We know also that no thing doesn’t exist because it is logically impossible.


Physical existence is never infinite.

Numbers have virtual existence and possible numbers are infinite

but possible number of apples are always finite. ( physical is finite )

Possibilities can be infinite.

Actually possibilities are finite. There are a limited number of paths from point a to point b based on pre existing conditions. The determinists would say there actually only 1. Chaos theory implies also 1 path but with limited data it’s impossible to predict


Infinite paths and infinite intermediate points.

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I love zeno’s impossibality of movement paradox

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@anon93437440 I can’t debate with you because schizophrenia made me an idiot,
terrible cognitive trouble.
And if I didn’t have very severe cognitive problems I wouldn’t be here.

Possibilities are finite as you said.

Possible numbers are infinite.

Thanks for the correction.


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Being correct is possibility turned into actuality.

Being wrong is possibility turned into actuality.

Estimations may be proven or disproven by the results that eventually would occur :upside_down_face: