Men and women understanding each other

Yeah. Maybe if you’re 50. I turn on my computer.


Another annoying thing about gay tv-stereotypes is that bi or gay women are often “alternative”… You know, piercings, lack of respect for authority, usually punk or hippie-like or sometimes, just complete butches. (Not that there’s anything wrong with any of those)

Tv also seems to portrait girls who like girls as promiscuous, and that’s a dangerous thought to put into people’s heads.

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That’s very true. I hadn’t thought about that before. I think gay and bi characters in TV shows and movies are mostly just stock characters. I hope the industry will move past that soon and portray us more like real human beings too, the same way straight characters are portrayed.

Yeah, entertainment industry tends to homogenize a lot of different kinds of people.


I don’t care what two people do, what gender they are, as long as they are upfront. lol. How can anybody understand anyone if it’s BS lines either or both sides?

If you speak your mind, people around you will understand. Does not mean it will make a change in actions though.

For example, I tell my boyfriend a bunch of things, it seems he is indifferent to most. He understands I know but his actions do not change.

Not sure where is the comprehension problem here, but you meet people who get you and you meet people who don’t. Good communication in both parts is important and most people do not know how to communicate.

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Actually I don’t have time for drama I’m too busy tonight.

I don’t understand any people - men or women. Every time I’m at the center of attention of a group, it goes badly. I understand my husband pretty well, but we’ve been together for 15 years now.

:popcorn: :popcorn: :popcorn: me too :thinking:


I’m getting uncomfortable with the stereotyping by sex that is going on here. Women may be more likely to fib about some things, but I think that, in general, they lie less about matters of substance. I don’t think women are as likely to clean out joint checking accounts and disappear. That isn’t to say that there are no women who would do that, but I think men have a small edge on being dishonest in that category. That isn’t to say that women don’t lie at all. I think that is as about as far as I am going to go on this topic. I don’t want to start a war between the sexes.

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Yes, women are darn hard to understand. I’ve never been able to figure them out. Guys, they only want three things: Sex, food, and money. And that varies in order according to the man.

Women generally are more sensitive, intuitive, empathic and thus more complex. World needs more guys like that tbh.

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Apparently, both men and women are equally likely to make sweeping generalizations about one another? :thinking: :smile:


:joy::sweat_smile: Haha nice

But you didn’t finish your thought, who’s MORE likely to make generalizations?

I’m not even gonna touch that one! :smile:


That’s right @Moonbeam

Aren’t people just people? HAve we forfeited our personalities to fit into a box of male vs female?

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ugho yeah

All I know is that guys were a LOT meaner to me at school and college than girls were… :thinking:

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