I suffer of serious cognitive and memory symptoms. Basically I do not remember anything, I lose memory of things very quickly. I have traveled a lot, but I do not remember it… any of it, it is really sad, because I know I have been to beautiful places and seen and experienced special things… that I can not remember. My memory is worse every year. I have been so concerned of my memory issues that I got brain MRI, it was all clear.
I feel that it’s my medication that is causing this. Could it be? I also have ADHD and it affects my cognitive skills pretty much. Learning is slow, I have trouble concentrating on anything, reading a book or watching a movie is horrible (I have no patience to sit still for 2 hours. Even if the movie is good and interesting) and I just feel stupid for most of the time.
It has happened several times that a person comes to talk to me and ask me how I’m doing, and they clearly know who I am, but I do not remember them at all. It is scary and extremely embarrasing.
Or that I go introduce myself to somebody and they tell me, rather angrily, that they know who I am and we have met several times.
It seems that my memory just keeps on getting worse. I forget small things and big things. I get confused easily. Is there any hope for me?
I’m on antipsychotics and ADHD meds. Could they cause memory problems? I’ve been on antipsychotics for 15 years, so it is hard to tell how I was off meds. But ADHD medication is more recent. I feel hopeless, please tell I’m not alone, and that there is still hope that my memory would at least stop getting worse.
A stressful move made me lose my memory. Now I have to write everything down like doctors appointments or things I need to do or I’ll forget.
It’s gotten better though. When I first lost my memory I would be at work and first thing in the morning the boss would tell me what to do and I would forget as soon as I was 5 steps away. This went on for literally months.
Me too, I had memory issue, Even I have been to places with my friends and when they recollect the time we had been, I am lost. I can not recollect. 70% of time is due to doubt, as I ask self do I remember it? And that question itself makes me forget.
I have a huge sticky note saying I am OK, nothings wrong with me. Just to keep my self not to doubt. But rest of the memories are just vanished. I had a time when in a conversation, I totally forget what I was talking about. But with time I practised not to get stressed, now a days my memory is better. I do forget but can re-sync to the topic with a break.
Some of these people could be lying to you. I have encountered some that have done this to me, although I do experience some memory issues, but they are not huge gaps or anything of that sort.
Sometimes, it is hard to recall very recent things, like what I ate on a certain day, or something that I read, or what color the street signs in my community are.
I have been really concerned about my memory problems, as I have been afraid I’m having some sort of early dementia -_- but my brain MRI was clear. my doctor says my memory problems are because of schizophrenia itself… but I don’t know. I just feel stupid because I remember things wrong and I can’t count on myself or trust myself, because I know I remember things wrong. so I keep on doubting myself.
recollecting memory of happy or sad events of my life, is hard or impossible. I feel so sad that when I experience something nice or good, I know I will forget about it in a few months and cannot recollect that memory anymore. it is sad, really. some things, travelling or other things, I am not sure is it true or dream. I just can’t remember did it really happen or did I just dream about it.
I also get disoriented easily, as I get lost even in familiar surroundings. thank god for smartphones and maps. I would be in trouble otherwise…
I don’t think I’ve been lied to. these encounters have happened when I’m with friends, and I introduce myself to my friends friends. I have a close friend who always wonders why I can’t remember one of her friends, that I do not know well. I always forget his face and name. even though we have met, many times. I trust my friends, they wouldn’t lie to me like that.
I can relate to this topic. I don’t recall most memories from the past. My abilities to solve problems is affected by the meds/schizo. When I read I don’t recall most of it but I do remember to take my meds.
I’m on Geodon 160 mg and Clopixol depo 500 mg every 3 week.