Wow this is really BS,i work as a salesperson as some of you know,today I sold a vacuum cleaner which I sell it for Rm660 dollar but after 10minutes when I had to open the cash bill,I wrote Rm460,I am gonna get a scolding from my boss…it sucks
What’s worrying is is my weak memory which stems from my anxiety will cause me to lose my job?
Memory Mistakes happen with a lot of people when they are in a hurry too… I’m sorry your boss is going to be on your case…
Maybe carry a small note book and write things down before you go to the till… or take the price tag with you to the till so you have a visual to help you remember.
Please don’t let the anxiety amp up… that will kill your memory. Stress makes it very hard to think.
Good luck.
I agree with Surprised J, I work a high-stress catering job and am constantly forgetting one of the dozen things I’ve been told to do. I started using a notebook to write things down in and my boss has been nice enough to give me specific lists when I’m the only one working that day and I’ve lasted a year. No worries, there are ways to make it work 
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