Hi All!
My partner and I are heading to teach English in Vietnam. I am diagnosed with Schizo-affective disorder but when medicate am able to hold down a full-time job.
I have managed to find a Psychiatrist in Vietnam and we have booked our flights.
Foolishly I neglected to look at the prices for Clozapine in Vietnam. All I can find are dodgy online pharmacies with prices ranging from $2-$50 per day for my medication.
Currently I am prescribed:
425mg Clozapine
100mg Amisulpride
2x 25 Lithium Carbonate
1x 40 Lithium Carbonate.
Can anyone please give me an idea of what this would cost in Vietnam?
If not, how much should I pay online? Are there any reputable online pharmacies?
We are going to Thailand on our way to Vietnam… does anyone know about the possibility of getting the medications there and taking them to Vietnam? I would get my prescription from my Psych here in NZ but they can only give me 6 weeks supply.
Your Help is much appreciated,
Im gonna go out on a limb and say in Vietnam its gonna be cheaper. I dont know if they will take your prescriptions as there from nz. Im assuming you have a contact in vn maybe ask them about it. Also load up on your meds before you go the doc might possibly write you a larger skript if you explain the circumstances.
This kind of thing might help its a directory of english speaking docs around the world who are accredited. I think memberships free. Apparently you should double check your meds are even legal over there it would be a pain to get arrested over medicine their country has outlawed.
Thanks for your input
I will definitely take a look at the list of doctors.
I managed to get hold of a vietnamese pharmacy but they needed to do research into Clozapyl/Clozapine.
They have told me they will get back to me early next week…so… fingers crossed!
Keep us updated on not just how the med situation but post some pics up of cool stuff in vietnam i know your from nz and that could be the most beautiful place earth has to offer but vietnam has to have some cool stuff too.
Ok sure mate I will throw some stuff up when we get there…
Yes NZ is beautiful… where are you from?
My Fiancee and I are dying to do an OE teaching English but because of my diagnosis nothing is set in stone… I function perfectly when I am on meds and hold down a job and have a normal life… but when it comes to overseas stuff it gets complicated!
Do you know anyone who has managed to do an OE while on significant dosage of anti psychotics?
hi whakapapa ;
just be careful when you use clozapine and Amisulpride together.these are very dangerous drugs.it can make diabete (my cousine was on only Amisulpride and he is 160 kilo and he has diabetes) and much worse.if you really need a medicine you can use risperdal.its cheap and safe