Medication, medication, medication


I decide to finally give in and accept that I need to take it.

Then my pdoc decides not to give it all to me

Apparently I have to do it slowly.

I need more AP’s in my body in my opinion, but apparently because I added back in another 75mg Pregabalin, 25mg Promethazine and 5 mg Aripiprazole, it all has an effect on the rest of my meds

They wanted me on an AD, and I finally agreed to it, but no, they want to wait?

The window of me being able to accept everything they advise is getting slammed shut

I hear and see things I don’t want to anymore, yet I have to wait patiently.

They’re not the ones having to wait.

They can sleep well at night

Commenting, communicating, arguing, being disrespectful and messing with my sleep

I feel like a pawn in my own head

I’m mad as hell and I’m not going to take it anymore!


They’re all sick in the head, playing mind games with me and I have had enough of them

Try not to burn your bridges out of frustration Joker. I know that they are frustrating you but please try to work with them.


I just get so frustrated

Before I had access to my pdoc and could persuade him but now I have to go through these jobs worth ■■■■■!

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It’s 1am, I just drank about 4 coffees and smoke 10 rollies

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lol. Probably not a wise idea if you plan on getting any sleep.

I might start painting my bedroom

Can’t just stand at my computer all night

Wish I lived in a group home

Miss interacting with people, and I have no one here.

I am alone


Not a bad idea. I often paint miniatures or read while I watch the forum, so you could probably take breaks and check in.

FFS this really does suck

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Not with a 10 foot barge pole

Which way does the power go? They have the power. That sucks sometimes.

Try to relax and be rational.
Just like lowering your meds had to happen gradually, upping them does.
And the more you’re on, the greater the chance of bad med interactions.

Would you want to end up with irreversible damage from taking too much too fast?

You know it takes weeks to build a steady amount of meds in your system when you up it. Give the ones you just got on, a chance to work.

The world isn’t black/white, all-or-nothing.

At least attempt to consider other viewpoints before you decide your way is the only way and kick off when you can’t have it.

I am showing them I have more power than they think.



It’s a bad place to be when you feel the meds they prescribed you isn’t satisfactory.

If you are feeling like this isn’t a life you can stand in the long run I would apply for a new GP which has fresh eyes and hopefully can come up with a better medication plan for you.

My GP Won’t touch my meds.

I have to wait for the pdoc to get back to me each time, and he takes a while as they’re so busy at the moment

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