Meaning of life

Life is not supposed to end any soon. The human brain has almost infinite memory storage and for such a low life expectacy as 70-90, a very small portion of the brain is being utilised only.

True life is something easy and happy. The existing life is not something that were purposed to human.

The death and evils will be no more, as this is the hope of eager Bible truth seeker.

If life means suffering, why live? For the Solomon said, the living are not better than the dead, and worse than the unborn.

End of lecture. I am going to reshape my life from now on.

The pursuit of happiness.

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To me it lies in finding satisfaction in the things u do. Caring working reading. That’s what gives my life meaning

According to Freud the purpose of life is to love and to work. I saw a quote on “The Twilight Zone” that said, “Be ashamed to die, until you have won a victory for humanity”.

Camus argued the purpose of life was to experience. The quality of that experience was irrelevant — quantity of experience was all that mattered. “Good” experiences, “bad” experiences, all held equal weight and validity.

This coming from the man who idolized Sisyphus as the absurd ideal, endlessly rolling a boulder up a mountain, to watch it fall back down to earth and begin anew.

But considering how illusive happiness is, I think there is truth to the notion that our judgment or perception of the experience is more valuable than the actual experience. There is comfort knowing that a homeless man can find peace and solitude in his despairing situation, or that a prisoner can find contentment in captivity.

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maybe the meaning of life is that it has no meaning but then that would mean that there was no point in anything and i mean i guess we all have to have a purpose.

so i guess that means that it is to have some sort of purpose, a point to it and its probably different for everyone,

so i think the meaning of life is to give your own life some meaning.

“the secret to life is enjoying the passing of time” James Taylor

money…to have

It is only in a social context that “meaning” has any meaning.

Obviously as shown here as a microcosm of the population there is no single definitive answer to that question. Life has many meanings to different people and I would say that someones views on what life is changes over the course of their lifetime.

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Life is meaningless without God and resurrection.

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The purpose of life is to eat

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…and to drink. :smiley:


And be merry!..


and have as much sex as you can with your lover before you die !! haha

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To experience. The world is. We’re here to experience it. We give the world another dimension.

I want to smoke a cigarette a mile long and drown in a whiskey bottle after smoking a pound of weed. Guess I’ll just settle for Black Sabbath at the moment. haha

maybe it is to enjoy and love for those around you and yourself as well. I believe in living well just sz gets in the way.


Self-creation in the face of the contingencies that shape life. To want the life you’ve been given and be able to say ‘thus I willed it!’.