Had a falling out with my best friends when I first started dating my husband. They’d make me feel terrible and accuse me of not caring about them. Any time I’d get upset about this because I cared about them deeply they’d play victim and make me feel worse. I started talking to one of them again a couple months ago. The other one i haven’t talked to since she last called me and said she thought about killing herself because of me. My husband said he’d never talk to her again cause he was pissed that she hurt me. He talked to her today though and said he maybe wants to try being friends with her. I don’t think I can talk to her. Am I in the wrong.
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No. It sounds like a toxic relationship.
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Thank you. I think a part of me knew that but I just needed to hear it from someone else
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No, I don’t think you are in the wrong, but good topic, I keep grudges.
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I’m sorry you experienced this @NeoPolitan02. I don’t think you were in the wrong. Sounded like a toxic situation indeed. You’re better off moving on from that one.
I don’t know. Grudges are like poison you keep close to your heart. Protect yourself above all, but people do change. To my mind, this would require much thought.
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