six lane highway running up to my back door
but it won’t take me where I want to be
I took the I-95 down to Pensacola
all I found was a bunch of holy rollers
they don’t know nothing 'bout saving me
I swear they’re out there
I swear…
maybe angels
down here I feel like a citizen of nowhere
my bag’s all packed in case they ever come for me
got a hundred stories and tabloid lies
got witnesses to what the government denies
so I’m headed down to Roswell to wait and see
oh what a mystery
oh I believe, I believe
I could leave…
my sister, she says she knows Elvis
she knows Jesus, John Lennon and Cobain personally
well, I’m too wise to believe my eyes
cause all I’ve seen just terrifies me
but I believe they’re coming back for me
She’s one of my favorite female artists. When I got a back-pay check for $11,000 from SSDI about 4 years ago, the first thing I did was buy three tickets to see Sheryl Crow perform live up at the Mountain Winery in the hills of Saratoga. I treated my two sisters because they have helped me so much over the years, the tickets ran me about $340.00 for the three of us.
My sisters have done so much for me that I could never really pay them back for everything but I was really happy to do that.
By the way, it was a great concert, and every seat is a good seat at the Mountain Winery, it seats about only 250-350 people and we were about 15 yards from the stage.
2500 actually. Sheryl is waaaaaaaaay too expensive for a 300-seater. The promoter would have to charge $500 a ticket for her. She’s going to be there again August 4th, btw. She played the San Luis Bay Country Club at Avila Beach two years ago. Great show, even though windy.
Ya never know what common experience makes things click, but Sheryl’s pretty obviously one deep cookie. (And she was the Missouri state high school girls’ low hurdles champion in the '80s. Which at least gets me to Lance.)
I heard one critic knock Sheryl Crow by saying all her albums are interchangeable. He said any album of hers could have been done at any point of her career. I thought he was kind of right. It’s not like The Beatles who went from "Love Me Do’ and “She Loves You” to “Lucy in the and Sky with Diamonds” and “Revolution”.
Or like the Rolling Stones who went from “Under My Thumb” to “Sympathy For the Devil”.
He was saying she made no natural progression.
I’ll argue that the Beatles and the Stones hadn’t been working at Sheryl’s level when they “got big” sort of “pre-MATURE-ly.” Sheryl had been developing material for some time even before she was on tour with Michael Jackson and hanging out with all the others there who were participating in a “writers’ workshop” even as they toured. She also spent quite a while working with the already very accomplished David Baerwald and the “Tuesday Night Music Club.” And while the B’s & S’s were in their early 20s when they released their first albums, she was 30.