May check in long term unttl I find housing

Good move or bad move?

Or it’s cause I just like the hospital so much

It’s just not a realistic move. There are so few residential options that you have to be in severe crisis to qualify to be institutionalized.

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I hope you find housing soon.

Might live and die in a hospital tbh.

Is it weeirdd that I like the simplicity of the hospital?

No, that’s not weird. It’s too expensive to stay in a hospital for very long.

A group home or other type of managed care residence might be equally simple and cost much less. Also, many base their rates on residents’ resources from SSI or SSDI.

I hope you find the best place for you.

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Are people gonna be mad at me if I admit myself again after getting discharged a week ago?

Could be either or neither. But… have you got a case worker or social worker? You may want to talk with them about some sort of assisted living other than l/t hospitalization. I did a year in a board-and-care near my VA hospital back in '02-'03. =After= I’d had a brief (two-week) experience in a l/t facility. Of the two, the b&c was waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay better. And less expensive.