Mania With Psychosis vs Schizophrenia vs Schizoaffective Disorder, Bipolar Type

I also am sorta high functioning although I can’t seem to hold down a paid job due to my inappropriateness of both word and deed, which is due to my MI.

I also have a great deal of insight into my MI, except for my manic and hypomanic phases, in which I have zero insight.

So, frankly, I have no idea how this new pdoc of mine is going to diagnose me.

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I talked with my doc, and send him 10 based on facts reasons and why i think i fit the criteria for mania with psychosis.

He said he’s going to look over it when he has the time but the treatment is the same, Nevertheless

I said, yes, the treatment is the same. I don’t deny the psychotic features but the diagnosis means a lot to me.

I might hear from him next week.


The 10 reasons are not personal reasons or wishes.

But are based on comparing myself with the results of studies of people with schizoprenia

On looking through my old psychology and psychiatry papers

On the psychological tests I did through this 6 year period

On observations of myself and how i act in psychosis.

I tried and i think i succed in making it as objective as possible.

Not letting room for giving him a ‘guided opinion’