Managing Schizophrenia and Moving Ahead with Life


My best friend has become very ill he’s talking a lot to himself . What med will help him ?

He needs to visit a pdoc (psychiatric doctor) because they will know what to do far better than us

The one prescribed by a medical doctor.

He’s on 1mg Respirodine twice a day and it’s not helping him.

He’s been given respirodine 1mg twice a day and it’s not helping him.

Sorry, I don’t want to derail @everhopeful s thread. It’s against the rules.

Could you maybe set up a new thread

Encourage your friend to talk to his/her/their treatment providers for a med increase, change, or addition. Working with you team on an ongoing basis is a big part of managing the illness.

He’s been waiting since 2020 for an appointment but nobody is contacting him.

His GP assessed him and gave him medication he’s not seen a psychiatrist and he’s been waiting for past 18 months .

Can he call a crisis line? Go into an Emergency department? Are there community organizations that will help?

@Rupertthebear are you here for yourself or your friend?


Hi I am here for myself too but my friend is also very ill and I help him so it worries me . He has high anxiety and autism and won’t go on forums. I have been on risperodine and olanzopile and fluoxetine and stayed in hospital for 4 months . Made recovery slowly .

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Referring to the article: this is only true if the meds work very well

It’s meds, diet, exercise, therapy, positive attitude, and great support networks (both medical and personal).