Just found out the new shop has a tobacco licence. Woe is me! Temptation!
Have overcome this urge. Feel pretty good about myself
Are you currently quitting smoking?
For about 6 months I was on and off smoking. About 4 weeks now zero nicotine
I’m only making it half a day. Pretty demoralised because off my quitting attemps.
They say it’s harder to come off than heroin, but have no immediate experience to compare.
Is definitely hard. I think I am lucky in that my bodies cravings aren’t too bad. But for sure some people feel physically ill if they try to quit
Yeah, quitting smoking is hard…but I’ve heard people have been successful at quitting. It is habit forming.
Just ten minutes ago I came back with a can of tobacco. Evenings and mornings are the hardest for me without smoking.
I think there is a med which helps stopping smoking. Champix? Some name like that. But I also heard it can effect people with certain mental health conditions
I tried to get on it. But my insurance doesn’t cover it. And I was off smoking with the med Tabex for three months. And then got right back into it because of boredem.
As long as I have schizophrenia I feel I am stuck vaping
It took me 10 years and several attempts to quit. In the end it was pure will power and cold turkey. I haven’t smoked in 13 years, don’t even think about it anymore.
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