Man just had a great cup of tea

Was really worked up and frustrated at some computer stuff. Was in a real bad mood. Anyway I made a cup of tea and I soon felt good again


Nice Jimbob!

A little cup of caffeine always perks me up too. :slight_smile:

Any cool new books or music lately?

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A couple of folk here posted some music videos from a band called ‘beach house’. I like their sound so I checked them out and they are legit great.

I find quite a lot of my new music on here!

How are you montmeister?



I am the offical Montmeister, I have a new nickname now. :blush: I like it!

I am well big dude. Just chillin’ until pay day later tonight. I already got a ton of books in my Amazon cart LOL!

I think I’ve heard of Beach House on the local alternative station. They sound like a cool group, for sure.

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I would like to learn more about graphic novels. Right now I only know Alan Moore

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Oh, I love graphic novels!

Check out Black Hole by Charles Burns. It’s a little pricey, but the artwork and story in it is amazing.

There is a little bit of drug use in it though. Mostly just LSD and pot. But I just wanted to give ya a trigger warning beforehand.

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Sounds good. You read the Alan Moore written swamp thing stories?


Oh yeah! Well I’ve only read Volume 1 of the trade paperback of when Alan Moore tookover.

The story and artwork in it was amazing!

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Yeah is great. Moore wrote a great graphic novel called ‘from hell’ all about Jack the Ripper. Is probably my fave

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Ya know, I had a hard time getting into From Hell. It’s very well written, but I found it a little hard to follow.

I did think it was cool though about the Freemasonry references and all. A lot of reviewers say it’s a lot of Moore’s own speculation.

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Yeah I think it probably isn’t the real facts. Is a crazy story though if it is true.

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Haha! Yeah, for sure my dude.

I’m gonna go eat some early dinner.

Nice chat though!

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Take it easy montmeister

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