Stopped yesterday. Felt awful until an hour ago. Feel ok now. These gaba meds aren’t to be messed with.
I hope it’s not like benzo withdrawal where the withdrawals come and go in waves.
Man I hope so too. But have come through my worst wave so I know I can do it again. Did feel like taking some though. Never mentioned this in the literature.
i had a hard time last night, mostly my eyes
Your vision was blurry?
yeah, really bad
The go said the med could do that. Sucks if you are driving though. Do you think you need glasses?
no, its better now and i wasnt driving, it was just my eyes returning to normal.
You still on the 75mg or have you reduced it? I am off it completely now.
yeah i stopped 3 doses ago
Any other withdrawal effects? You were on it a lot longer than me. Felt real bad before but am ok now. Cool your eyes are better.
just my anxiety, its not too bad but i havent really exerted myself much, i can feel it though
Yeah I expect anxiety is to be expected. Like you say you can always see the practice nurse if need be for this. All the best. J
My amitriptyline withdrawal has been sucky, too. I’m just looking forward to it all being over soon. My last dose is on january 5th.
My next step is to come off the fluoxetine then the seroquel. Am budgeting 6 months in which to do this. Will then just be on the depot.
They have a street value for a reason
Pregabalin is used on the street? Didn’t know that.
Yes, well gabapentin is. And they’re chemically similar. Junkies like neurontin they’re called “johnnies” here on the street.