Man feel like crap

Just can’t settle in the slightest. Constant headache and feelings of nausea. Sleep is a piece of crap.

Tbh a feel like I have quit my meds cold turkey but I haven’t.

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Has anything changed recently? Sounds rough :frowning:


Sorry man. Maybe some lemon tea and an antiemetic can help ?


Nothing has changed except I have restarted coffee 4 days ago. Mmm I wonder if that could be it


Not unless you’re known to have a sensitivity to it. I guess you don’t drink gallons…

Do you have symptoms of cold too? Like snots or sore throat.

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No cold symptoms. Just a headache. Tiredness to but I think that is due to poor sleep

Sorry to hear you are not feeling good. Get better soon. :turtle::turtle::turtle:


Do you experience eye fatigue? Do you suspect you’d need glasses? Could explain headaches although less so the nausea.

Either way the antiemetic should help. If this persists beyond Thursday… I’d go see a doctor. Poor sleep and headaches and throwing up is the worst combo.
Stay strong.

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It has been 4 weeks since quitting pregabalin. I think maybe I am still getting withdrawal symptoms

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Could be. Although 4 weeks is a long time.

Make sure you stay hydrated.

Actually I shouldn’t repeat what’s already written in the article :blush:

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Man some hot sweet tea really helped just then. Gonna avoid coffee

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