Man, a car accident can make you feel like you don't exist

I’m just reviewing an accident I was in when I was l6. The guy just didn’t see me coming. BLAM. I thought I was dead for sure. But, no, here I am.


i am glad you are still here :heart: :heart:
take care :alien:


In AA they would call that car wreck, “Life showing up”. Their point is that in recovery when you are feeling good and living your life and things are going smoothly and you feel in control of your life, then BAM, the realities of life set in. Car wrecks, serious physical illness, getting fired from your job, your garage catches fire, or any myraid of other situations that suddenly happen that we have no control over or we weren’t ready for. No ones immune.
John Lennon said it well in a song in his solo career.
“Life is what happens when you’re busy making other plans”.