(Male) Prolactin Level 29.6 Is That Enough To

The lab report says the normal limit for Prolactin in men is 17. Is 29.6 high enough to cause sexual dysfunction and weight gain? I know my Prolactin is high because I’m taking Invega, I assume not because I have a tumor. I know 29.6 is obviously way above the normal range (maximum 17) but is it high enough to be responsible for my side effects? Seeing my nurse in 2 weeks to discuss it and see if I can get meds to reduce Prolactin level, possibly bromocryptine/cabergoline or Abilify.

I have high prolactin as well, I’m probably switching to Abilify, starting January,

My pdoc doesn’t want me to switch from one injectable to the other, as they work differently and can cause rebound psychosis. So I’m switching to the oral form first.

In the UK we use mlU/l. The normal range for men is 45-375. Mine has been from over 600 to over 700.

İ m also using invega and Mine is 47 and i don t have any side effects.don t worry high prolactine only cause developing breast and at higher dose (at 300)erectile dysfunction.you shouldn t be develop breast at 29 nor erectile dysfunction.

My problem is weight gain as well as poor ejaculation. I don’t ejaculate at all, no fluid comes out. It has me worried about what Invega is doing to my body.

How much mg are you using ?and since when?

Look at the bright side, no clean up, right?

lol yeah no cleanup… haha…

When I had my prolactin tested I was taking 9mg of Invega and now I’m taking 12mg because the 9mg wasn’t working well enough. So my prolactin is probably higher than 29 now that I increased my Invega.

Yes it can cause ejaculate problems on 12 mg.you have to consult your doctor.but if you have no sexual dysfunction i advice you to stay it this drug because only good alternative to this drug is abilify and higher dose of abilify can cause sexual dysfunction

Actually I read a study (which was posted on this forum somewhere) showing that if your prolactin level is high you can take a low dose of Abilify and it will reduce those levels helping you return to normal.