Im thinking of making a video game when Im more comfortable with javascript, gonna use the Bablylon.js engine to make some 3D rendered web games, might even share them if I get good enough
If I could start again I would have tried learning this stuff muuuuuch earlier. Oh well lol
Anyone have any advice on what to make for a video game? I have a few ideas but Im not sure which to try, or which would be easier to start with
I don’t have any ideas but I made a word guessing game in C programming language when I was younger where you would input a letter and you only had so many wrong guesses before you lost the game. I’m guessing that you are probably looking for something more complex than that if you are going to make 3D rendered games though. Have fun and good luck.
I had an idea to make sudoku puzzles and then sell them in print at the news-stand or in stores, but I was like 10+ years too late to the game lol.
My step-father told me about making and programming asteroids or something like a game like that. That’s pretty popular in tutorials and stuff. You can customize it. Make it easy or advanced.
I would have loved to make a math game but they seem to not make money these days anymore. I used to play math educational games as a kid because my skills were poor.
@Bowens thats cool man! I did something similar when I was in university learning C. Made a bitmap picture and you had to navigate from one end to the other of the picture with the least elevation changes (measured by color). Kinda a puzzle game, was fun but very hard to do at the time, esp in C. Thanks for the well wishes! Do you still code?
@Jonnybegood Yesssss dude a space game! Thats what Im thinking also. But even better one based off interstellarr would be dope cuz you could have like the time dialtion mechanic or w/e. Damn man nice ty
Ah damn no worries. Yeah I worry my concentration will fade with my interest but Ive always thought coding is cool so idk if Ill ever lose the ability to focus on coding
That’s great. I never really programmed except a tad bit in R for a stats class; and I took edx for mit’s python, but finished half of it but still got a cert because of my grades. So ya, I can do very, very basic things. I don’t know much, really.
I’d make a classic zelda-like game where you run about swinging your sword at monsters and collecting coins to spend on stuff! It could be top-down view.
@anon28145038 that sounds good to me man! Good that you realize you dont know anything, too many people out there took like a few months course and think theyre programming gods lol. Ive taken uni classes and I still feel like I dont know anything. So much to learn
Are you still actively learning to code? I feel like so long as youre improving thats what matters
@agent101g That sounds really cool actually but Im no good at making sprites haha Im ok at manipulating images, but not pixel art sadly, Id have to buy/flip spriite sets I think