If you shave or get a scrape rubbing alcohol works great. Stay clean my friends.
but I like being dirty.
(heaven forbid how people will misinterpret this simple reply…)
Flagged 1515151515…lol
I remember I flagged someone’s post and wrote because it was awesome as the reason…the mod accidently accepted the flag lol
Yes, I remember that Flame
Was it @Ninjastar I flagged and you accepted it ? Or am I mixing things up?
Sure take all the fun out of being a dirty ole man
How come perverted elderly guys are called ‘dirty old men’, but perverted elderly women are simply called ‘cougars’?
A bit unfair, no?
You flagged Moobean and Pix accepted it
Ahaha! It was my first flag too. Thanks a lot Flame!
I have an even funnier one. A forum member flagged me once cause they didn’t like the way I moderated one of their posts. Then I accidentally accepted the flag!
Lol so o flagged you pre mod…and you flagged yourself as a mod lol lol
Thank you! I’m very clean. My car isn’t. My apartment isn’t. But I’ve been clean for over 33 years thanks to cleanliness anonymous. Thanks CA!