This new employee gal had a rough shift and we spoke at the end of it.
Gal: "Well, now. That was a shift from Hell!
Me: “I wish I could tell you it gets better, but to be honest…you just get used to being miserable.”
She laughed out loud. And then I thought afterwards that I had indeed said a mouthful.
In some way it’s the same with schizophrenia. You just get used to being miserable.
Yep, sums up all the jobs I’ve had so far, too, lol.
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I’m in the shipping/ delivery business.
It’s @%$!! bananas right now preceding Christmas…parcels falling everywhere. The new employees are getting thrown into the fire, and they are beside themselves with hopelessness.
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The new co-worker gave me a few compliments. It was certainly a confidence booster.
I try to be nice to everybody but some people are difficult.
February 28, 2021, 2:18am
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