Lyrics from a song I learned as a child

I’m proud to be me but I also see
You’re just as proud to be you
We may look at things a bit differently
But lots of good people do.
It’s just human nature so why should I hate cha
For being as human as I
We’ll live and let live and give and let give
And we’ll both get along if we try.
I’m proud to be me but I also see
you’re just as proud to be you
It’s true, you’re just as proud to be you.


I learned it from a record ( If you even know what one is). I did not associated it with only being against racism but also about differences in ideologies.

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I get it, you probably had these…

Yes, but ours had evolved a little.

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@PinCushion, think I found this song from record, tell me is this it…

It’s not the exact recording but it does have more life in it than your first example. The recording I knew came from a record called Patriotic Songs. I think.

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Ok, I tried :neutral_face:, im sorry there is not much older records.
Even when I search for my music (jazz)…
Im 47yrs

I know. You mentioned your age once and I remembered it. I’m 77.

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