Low self esteem

Does it belong to schizophrenia?
What can you do to better it?

what does it mean low self esteem ?

For me its anxiety,
Its Something i feel i lack in my life.

Anyway i have low self esteem.

I def feel more self conscious about myself… the things I say.

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It sure can cause it because of the stigma. I’m working on this myself. Reminding myself of my talents rather than my flaws. We are all here to be unique.

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I can see where dealing with sz and the problems it brings would contribute to low self esteem. It makes me feel weaker or less normal and i know i don’t fit in with regular people. I try not to dwell on it though and remember that i have people who love me so i must be at least kind of ok i guess.


I have had low self esteem and depression all my life… way before sza

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