I am reporting that ass-hole…!!
His post is bang out of order about me
Calm down, @san_pedro.
You spam us with these ridiculous quasi inspirational crap all day,
The least you can do is have a sense of humor.
Your argurmentive bullshitt is worse
My positive aim make u all worse
Just because @shutterbug is friends with the owner of this site
He gets a away with bullying and murder
Whatever dick shitt…your a rat
your a troll big time
Cool down guys … If one did not like what one sees, see what one likes. And move on.
read the thread again
Whatever, @san_pedro.
You can deny that you spam the forum,
But it’s fact.
You should have your own thread dedicated to memes or whatever like we had to do for several other members.
Making a new one each time you find a meme is really obnoxious.
We already have a freaking meme thread.
My aim for others is ok and good
What is with the hate from u and others
Causing drama and conflict
Get with the programme
No need for it in fairness
I am inspired by how inspiring I am.
I’m profound, too. Profoudly profoud.
What do you care anyway, Pedro27? According to you we aren’t like real life people anyways, so why should it bother you?
I cast my vote for this.
ruffle the feathers of someone
draw them out
than play innocent
i seen it all before
group hug folks
I agree, these should all be condensed to one thread, but please don’t use THE meme thread for this nonsense. I’m really trying to make it quality.
dont enter a thread if u don’t like
its very simple rule