Loving and hating life

I love life sl much and the people i meet but i hate the pain and suffering i endure. Its the balance. How do ullve life more?

pain and suffering is life… learn to love both sides of it…

the contrast makes the bright brighter… see the darkness only as a means for enhancement… not something entirely separate…

and don’t turn around…

(der kommissar’s in town)


The darkness was always there, but by the time I saw the extent of the cruelty I was already sunk, got another chance but when you’re sunk you’re sunk, world’s a mean and non-sensical son of a bitch to anyone going from a duel personality cult of you can be who ever you want to a world where you’ve lost everyone, don’t know why and end up easy pickings to people tying up loose ends.

So I guess, don’t. Don’t do that whatever you do.

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I used to suffer but I would say to myself at least I don’t have cancer. And I would read of their suffering and it would make me think.

Then when there would be calls from ‘those that wanted me dead’ , I would say NO just to spite them.

Then add up the years and you ‘get used to it’. Lyrics from a Marillion song. I would sing lyrics from epic songs to tell myself not to give up.

And then there is a trite saying. ‘Time heals old wounds’. But now I think it is true.

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ah the original power puff!

Powerpuff urself. Do it. Do it!

ok but only for you kz

here you are ■■■■■■■

booo!, wait a minute I don’t know what went wrong

coming to you live with my radiant thought broadcasting powers!!!

theme song:

scroll up and look at me in all my powerpuff majesty!


Ur cat looks like hes tripping balls lol


yeah he’s a sucker for the catnip

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You’re wearing your invisibility cloak.