Love Poem called Probably the happiest women alive

Though it’s tough to believe ,

The unbelievable just happen!

You asked me if I wanted to be yours…

Forever! :heart:

It was the most empowering question I’ve been asked.

Of course my darling!

I want to !

I wanna love you, protect you , nurture you

And be your partner!

I want to laugh, smile, dream, swim, hug you
All these are just a second away!

My Gosh

I am probably the happiest woman alive!

It doesn’t matter where on Earth we are

I still feel the luckiest woman alive!

I could be in Aarhus or Melbourne with you

The luck that stroke me would be the same.

How did you manage to make me so happy my love?

What miracle brought you in my life ? :two_hearts:

As far as imagination goes

I am living a fairytale.

A fairytale :woman_fairy:t2: I only dreamt about as little girl.

You are kind and open,

Loving and fun,

Inspiring and honest.

You are all that I ever wanted from life.

I am the luckiest, happiest women alive.


Very nice poem!


Thank you very very much :lotus::pray::cherry_blossom:

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