There are different kinds of love. The Greeks had seven different words for love. Romantic love seems to be the most desired, but it is also the most risky. The best thing is to cultivate a general feeling of goodwill towards humanity.
A lot of people try to understand and control love cause it has amazing powers. They say God is love. Some terribly burn themselves. Someones love gets taken and gets blinded by hate. Love and hate should be in balance within. Ying and Yang.
I’ve changed a lot. Love is something I need, I don’t want to not do I intend to go without affection or care. I am only letting in people who have this capacity. It’s better for the me to improve my odds of not falling into a relapse and health in general. Not something worth compromising or missing.
I am no longer sure about romantic love. But other types of love exist… love between friends and family… I haven’t completely lost faith in humanity as yet…