Lost my job

I started a new job this week and it seemed to be going well. Then I got sick for two days possibly due to stress and dealing with this illness and they fired me over it. I’m struggling with it pretty bad. I’m still symptomatic, pretty well with homicidal and suicidal ideation along with voices. I’m thinking of doing a program that is partial hospitalization. Where I go to the hospital from 8am to 3pm Monday through Friday. I’m struggling but don’t want to go inpatient again, as I was just there.


The partial hospitalisation sounds good.


You gotta calm down! Suicide and homicide are serious. Very! Just relax I get like that too I can’t handle stress. Perhaps you need something for anxiety which is basically what stress is. Also tel your doctor or therapist how your feeling! Hopefully you feel better soon. It’s no biggie jobs come and go!!!

I know they are serious. I’ve been dealing with them for awhile. It’s a big reason why my life is unstable right now. I know jobs come and go but it hit me harder then expected which is why I’m debating the hospitalization while I’m out of work.

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I understand your situation. You should be hospitalized if you can’t manage on your own. I was hospitalized seven times after becoming psychotic each time I got off my medication. As for jobs, I would not worry about having one if you can’t show up. I always show up for work. I teach online so it is not too hard. But, sometimes the internet does not work or my computer crashes. This has happened twice so far. I have not asked for sick days though since I’ve started. I advise you to not work if you can’t show up. Someone told me no matter what just show up even if you don’t feel like it. I have taken this advice seriously. I sometimes don’t feel up to snuff, meaning I don’t feel well. But, I know I must pay my bills so I work. They can easily replace me. I know this and take my work seriously. Thus, please focus on your health first. When you feel fine and are able to tackle more challenges, then find a job again.

the partial hospitalization sounds good, i’d go for that…

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