Lost interest in college education

hi.i had delusions 1 year ago when i was in college.right now im free from delusions.but theres no interest in learning my college subjects,.i have no plans to pursue any carrier or to get a job.i was so intersted in science especialy physics.i tried risperidone,abilify and even amulsipride but have difficlty in concentrating and grasping things.n little memory problem too.anyone eith similar experiences and what i must do to improve my interest for knowledge.?

Only professionals have the experience to answer this question and diagnose you. So talk to your doctor.

Iā€™d suggest you slow down and research mindfulnessā€¦ over time you will get more comfortable with the nature of psychotic illnessesā€¦ but what will get you there quicker is informationā€¦

@notmoses this one could use some links if youā€™re around.

sorry i changed the topic since i didnt get responces until asley answered at the last moment :wink:

THIS WAS MY FIRST TOPIC>>>>>>> hi.i had delusions 1 year ago.right now im normal.my mom had psychosis.i guess i got it geneticaly.she quit the medication many years ago.n thers had been no relapses for her.but there was only paranoid delusions for her.she didnt hear voices.shes completley normal right now without the meds.well i will come to my caseā€¦i had unreal thoughts n delusions ā€¦these include
1.everyones against me
2.feelings that im famous,of great importance,every one adores me
3.feelings that even sneezing ,coughing, spitting are done to harass me
4.my nieghbours are observing me and my actions secretly from thier homes
5.social anxiety ā€¦anxious what others would think about me,doing things to get the acceptance from others(even when i was 16)
i never hurt anyone,caused any trouble,i kept it to myself in this time.messed up my academics (4 year degree,have arriers beyond chance of improval).took risperidone .and after 5 months of medications my delusions went way.but still suffers from amotivation and no passion for activites(may be because of meds)my pdoc says im normal .i want to make sure what i experienced was also the symptoms of acute psychosis that my mom had.if mom had no relapse without the meds .can i be too?WILL A ACUTELY PSYCHOTIC PARENT HAVE A SCHIZOPHRENIC CHILD OR ACUTE ONE?.please answer .im ready to accept my fate even if the answer is schizophrenia

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Well to the new topicā€¦ Iā€™d say start smallā€¦

If you are looking to pursue mathematicsā€¦ review your arithmetic, algebra, geometry, trigā€¦

If you are pursuing a scienceā€¦ review the fundamentalsā€¦ biology -> anatomyā€¦

If its writing or literatureā€¦ there are many people on hear who have read many books and many of us write as well.

Art is everywhere if you are looking for itā€¦ The techniques are listed and well definedā€¦ if thatā€™s you interest wikipedia would do.

if you are undecidedā€¦ Iā€™d suggest you wait and focus on living or even working until your true passions and ambitions arise

Freshen up on the topic whatever it may beā€¦ perhaps find a few new insights that might intrigue you and perhaps tempt you to seek more.

Recovery takes mental workā€¦ meds aid in this by toning things downā€¦ you can train your brain to do what it needs to doā€¦ itā€™s how humanā€™s have survived and thrivedā€¦ you could just focus on that as wellā€¦


Well, if you only had one episode of psychosis, and your doctor thinks youā€™ll be fineā€¦Iā€™m a little jealous of you. I donā€™t know about your doctor though, if he throws around words like lazy.

It is incredibly hard to go back to college after taking a break for probably everyone. For me, once I got a taste of working and not having homework for a year, I had absolutely no desire to go back. I ended up pushing through, because I had a full ride. Knowing it was free helped me push throughout the difficulty of going back. Not everyone is that lucky. There is no shame at all in not getting a degree. I think college is too heavily emphasized. Itā€™s really not for everyone.

If you still want to get your old passion back, the best thing to do is probably fake it til you make it. If you really arenā€™t suffering from negative symptoms, and itā€™s just side effects or the normal aversion to restarting education, your passion should return if you keep forcing yourself to do the things you used to love. Or, maybe you will find passion for a totally new subject. Your life has changed a lot since you first went to school, and youā€™ve learned a lot about yourself and the world. Maybe another field of study would interest you more now.

cj9556ā€¦I went to college that days because i thought my friends would doubt my absence so i continued but i was like a zombie with no zest for knowlgde ,job and gym which still exist.ifailed in dozen subjects and about my docā€¦i slighly doubt him sligthly since hes discarding my apathy and amotivation(may be negative symtom of ilness )as laziness and saying i am enjoying this condition :confused:

You kept up with school, job, and exercise throughout your negative symptoms?! That is impressive, and ā– ā– ā– ā–  your doctor if he calls that lazy!

Doctors are just people too, and they can be wrong sometimes. Now might be a good time to get a second opinion if that option is available to you.

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only because we are a middle class family and we spend a some amount of money on my college edu.and what might society thinks about the reason for neglection of academics.so i went to college most days even if i wasnt intersted.

Donā€™t try to downplay the impressiveness of what you did. You kept trying. That says a lot about who you are as a person. No one has any right to call you lazy.

If you were free to choose, would you rather be working or studying? And, what fields are you thinking of?

You shouldnā€™t be making things harder for yourself when you are already struggling with motivation. Sometimes we are motivated to do things because of what others say, expect etc. (or worse, what we think they might say, expect etc.) Sometimes to do things because we want so ourselves, for fun or genuine interest. Iā€™d say that typically, the latter type of motivation is a bit stronger.

When you are struggling with motivation in general, think about the possibilities you are considering and what reasons you have for doing so. Some options will be suggested to you by others, the reason why you are considering them in the first place. Other options come to mind only because you think you will enjoy them. My advice would be to consider only the ones you think will be good for you now. These will be easier to motivate yourself for. And, if you have a reasonable group of friends/family, they will adjust and support you once you start. Especially donā€™t worry about societyā€™s opinion on ā€˜neglecting academicsā€™ if you rather want to work.

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Psychosis can destory our motivation to study. But many of us step right over psychosis and study anyway. Studying holds good power to deliver us from psychosis, at least to a great degree. When we study, all the voices and problems fade into the background and our mind becomes absorbed in what we are studying. Our psyche gets a break from all the hassles of life. We always feel better after we study.

Take it in small doses, just like a very good medication. Study a small amount. Titrate up as is possible. Put the problems and hassles of life on the back burner, they will still be cooking when you come back from studying. But youā€™ll be better off when you return to them.


Well I was given the diagnosis passed on from several Irish relatives to me. But though there was suffering, I am glad I am as I am, flawed though I may be. My brothers got Alcoholism passed down to them and it was worse. I tried to warn my son not to drink but you know, he had to find out the hard way. I also warn EVERYONE here. Weed can give you psychotic breaks easy, so avoid that or find out the hard way if this applies to you.

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thanks for the advice :blush:

here to get a decent work we have to have a decent degree.in which im struggling.

[quote=ā€œflybottle, post:12, topic:42310ā€]
nd, what fields are you thinking of?
[/quote] --thats the problem i dont have any plans for future.i lost that passion for life

Try Latuda itā€™s easier to concentrate less hormonal issues and it acts of serotogenic receptors responsible for memory. It took getting on the right meds for me to want to go back to school. Also time. Negative symptoms decrease over time imo

when I first got sick, I lost interest in school. I also couldnā€™t concentrate. Any way so I quit school and got a job. The job was just as hard to maintain especially third shift. They found me hiding behind a clothes rack scared out of my mind.

Psychosis can be hereditary. My dad has schizoaffective disorder, my dadā€™s oldest sister has schizophrenia and so did a cousin. my brother and I both have psychotic symptoms itā€™s just his diagnosis is bipolar with psychotic features while my diagnosis is schizoaffective disorder.

give it time! I had the same issue when I pulled out of a severe episode in 2008. I couldnā€™t finish reading a comic strip, I was too scrabble-headed. I still donā€™t read novels like I used to, but I learned to concentrate taking a fun creative writing class and then I transferred to the university and finished my undergrad and grad degrees there. I still canā€™t sit still to read ā€œSnow Crashā€ but Iā€™m getting better with extended concentration.


I think the trouble with reading and concentrating and interest is from med side effects. Do whatever might make you feel the best right now - doesnā€™t need to have any other better reason. Work for your self satisfaction the best you can. I think the child would be a cute one.