Losing what little faith I have in everything

Losing what little faith I have in everyone and everything sorry to be such a downer but seems Im sick alot not just mentally exhausting and emotionally but psychically as well I will never give up but I feel like it alot of times.I have my family who is my anchor and rock and support system theyre the only ones keeping me alive and willing to fight andfairly sane


Praying for you. Have you started a new med recently maybe thats why your having trouble breathing? Its good that your oxygen levels are ok . I recently started a blood pressure med and I couldnt breathe had to get off of it.


No I havent started any new meds I take metformin twice a day but havent been taking it as of lately I read it can cause difficulties in breathing also been using inhalers which helped me over time in the past but now Im not even sure if their helping will maybe try to use my cpap tonight and see if I can wear it all.night since my nose is no.longer running or stuffed up but cant promise anything I can only try I got this way before took 6 weeks then to get back to my cpap I have crappy sinuses and allergies year rounf always had and always will thanks for thinking of me could use Divine Intervention right now thats the only thing that will help me


Hope you get better soon.


sorry you’re suffering…keep the faith.


Sounds like quite the stormy season your having. Though i feel from reading the words that you use, your a very strong person. When the waves of life become too big and dark, surf them! You got this! :v:


Hang in there! We all go through bad times in our lives. I am sending you my best wishes that you can stay strong during this time and lean on both your family and us here in this community. :pray:

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